Monday, November 28, 2011

Teaching the Digital Generation

Welcome, to my fourth installment on ICT investigation, as we pass through the half way mark on my insight of ICT use in classrooms, I stumble upon a video Called “The digital Generation Project”

This is an inspiring video that follows the teacher Mr. Davis as she applies the use of ICT learning within her classroom. Her mantra “learn how to learn” captivates her purest of intentions. Davis wants to provide to students all the necessary skills and tools required to make digital education a comfortable place to grow. Students learn about new software, how to use resources and create online projects to emphasis knowledge building.  Davis looks for rich experiences to share with the students that encourage brainstorm, collaborative learning and digital autonomy. 
Empowering students to use and be comfortable with the use of ICT’s is important. The following generations are being raised to know computers from the earliest of ages. To empower her students Davis turns her students into thinkers. Encouraging them to react and learn for themselves and not depend on the teacher for explanations or definitions. Having the students experiment and learn with help of online resources, even having them teach her new digital information. Mr. Davis has them explore the creation of blogs, wikis, and digital domains that allows them to learn and communicate with others across the world. 

I believe that when using ICT’s as a teaching platform that it is important for students to be in contact with other students in order to create a better interpretation of new or current knowledge. Using blogs and e-tandem learning strategies are two great ways to have students communicate with others around the world. It permits students to receive different social/cultural views and makes links to how things can be similar as well as different depending on the location and country. 

This example of Davis and her ability to have her students react out and learn via the digital world opens new doors to how teachers can apply ICT’s into classrooms. For second language learners this is especially important. It creates learner autonomy and teaches them how to be reciprocal to outsider information. It is a way for students to make advances on their language abilities and help them create an open minded mentality to learning.
The use of ICT’s in classrooms can lead to many positive outlets for learners. It encourages them to be independent, to search for knowledge and understandings, while allowing them to explore and investigate on subjects unknown. With a vast selection of sites and services that permit students to experiment and explore.

What are some places that you know, where students can go that might expand their knowledge base on ICT’s?
Is there a limit to how we should encourage students to explore the digital world?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Do no harm!

    The idea that students are now linked to the use of information technology is important.  When teaching students we need to make sure that ICT use is incorporated. Recently I watched a video on student learning and restricting knowledge. Henry Jenkins a USC media professor hits the nail on the head when he mentions that we are failing students by limiting access to knowledge. Do no harm comes from the concept that we should allow students access to the resources found online and that teachers should be informed and able to teach with computers and having students involved.

     It is important not be afraid of change. As teachers it is our responsibility is to the students and we must evolve and adapt ourselves to the new ways of learning. Encouraging students to become informed and reflect upon their actions. A key factor in creating do no harm is to allow students, not only access to site such as YouTube but to allow a good amount of knowledge production to occur. We leaders that build these children’s minds giving them the tools to share knowledge verify and certify their knowledge as well as encouraging students to not be afraid to correct others when they know they are wrong. 

      The role of the student and of the teacher is changing.  I believe that students should have complete access to resources, which means not blocking internet searches on “Moby Dick” because the word “dick” might be found offensive. We should limit the gap between the rich and poor allowing for participation of all students. As teachers, I believe it is important to acquire the necessary knowledge in order to inform your students with the proper knowledge and internet usage skills. We should not be afraid to learn from the students and be open to change.

Do no harm, incorporating knowledge of ICT’s into your classrooms and give no limit to what information students can acquire when exploring the internet from school. Teach the fundamental skills and create a shift in how things are being done.

As a future teacher, is it our responsibility to acquire information technology skills independently or is it up to the school to offer such knowledge to their teachers?
How important is it for your students or children to have access to knowledge through the Internet?
Would you block access over the internet to words such as “dick” or even block YouTube in schools?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Wiki's - Beyond Textbooks

Welcome to the 2 second post in a series of 6. 

Today's topic is around the ideas of Wiki's and no; I don't mean Wikipedia well kind of. Had you ever thought that internet based learning would be so advance, the ideas of computers have contributed to a new era of Learning and information sharing.

After watching the video based on the school district of Arizona, we see how the use if Wiki's, a digitize dwelling of information has become useful for many teachers. "Beyond Textbooks" is a teacher related wiki site that allows teacher to collaborate, discuss and exchange information. Starting off as a small idea between teachers in one school has now grown to be state wide. A repository of information which creates a hotlist of ideas, where teachers can contribute by adding resources and ideas.

The magic of wiki's is that it reaches not only the teachers but leaks into the classrooms and influences the students. Because students know that they are potentially learning the same material at the same time as another student who is elsewhere gives them a sense of connectedness, encouraging the students to want to learn.

Wiki's are a tool which goes beyond just one person’s perspective, allowing the opinions of others. It is a great way for students to learn off each other as well as teachers. It can be used for several purposes, like having students interact without needing to be present altogether. It aims is to bring people to together, share ideas and collaborate.

What do you think of Wiki's?

Is technology going to far?

For what purposes can you see yourself using or creating a wiki?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Digital Youth

Hi everyone welcome to my first blog ever. I will be commenting on a series of 6 blogs relating to ICT’s and the different elements that may touch us all.
Today’s Blog is about youth and the impact that a digital world has on them. After watching the video with Howard Gardner I would like to talk about my thoughts and comment on things that he has mentioned.
Mr. Gardner is currently working on a project called “Good Play” and its focus is based on the ethical issues that concern youth and the digital world. Some students know and understand the principles that encompass ethic and some just brush it off. He also mentions that the digital world revolves around 5 ethical issues.
1) Sense of identity
 2) Sense of privacy
3) Sense of ownership
 4) Trustworthiness
 5) Credibility

I want to elaborate and bring the subject to focus on teaching and learning. The digital world has had a big impact on how students learn and the roles of the teachers. Students no longer have to travel far in order to find the answers to their questions and teachers are adapting to this situation. As mentioned by Mr. Gardner “teachers are more and more becoming coaches and role models”, and instead of providing the students with the information they need, teacher are required to change the ways they transmit information. It is necessary for teachers to include ICT’s, since computers have permitted for all sources of information to be available. Teachers will be responsible to inform students and provide them with the right information on ethical uses of the internet, monitoring copyrights and making sure that students are not plagiarizing from the material that they find.

Now it is your turn, how do you feel about students learning from online materials? Is it possible for students to be conscious of the ethics and follow the code of conduct of the web? What about teachers, how do you see their roles changing?

Thanks for reading; I am looking forward to your comments,